The error dialog with the user locale EN-iFrame

Hey you. I have a Thai-language application. "Thai" is defined in the basic details, area of application. All PHP files are saved in-UTF8 documents. It works perfectly with area profiles, EN. However, there is an error API when run with th area profiles.

An error occurred when using the javascript Graph API to call entry dialog (publish dialog, skip). The error message was Thai (happened in TH area users), translated "something in error, please try again".

This is the exact code php to call the ??????? API. Please note that all variables are written in Thai, this code works perfectly on EN region profiles.
Ui (FB.
Method of entry: ',
??: '',
Thecaption: ',
Description: ',
Theimage: ',
Link: ',
View: ' iframe ',
Function (response) {
If (response & response &. post _ id) {
//Alert (published post. ');
} {Else
//Alert ("post not posted. ');