[ANS] leave the application disable authorization phase

Fox _Registerednew Member: 2010-01-27 Posts: 1

I'm trying to confirm my application using OAuth 2.0 for a drawing canvas. When the user first moves the application by typing http://apps.facebook.com/xxxx it hits my canvas page url, redirects the user by the following code

Top.location.href = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=app_id&redirect_uri=http://apps.facebook.com/xxxx/&display=page&type=user_agent&scope=user_photos,user_likes";

He stated that http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/-

Note: If the user authorize your application, Facebook redirects the user to the specified URI, adding the error_reason parameter specifies a URI redirection.

But when the user reaches the page permissions has two options: "allow", "leave", if the user clicks the "leave application" is not harming the uri specified above by the "redirect_uri", redirects the user to his profile page so I can ' t figure out if the user clicks a button "quit". In my previous when the user has the authorization page had two options that they "allow" and "don't allow" may be able to understand if the user clicks on the button "don't allow" because this route was the "redirect_uri" user specified with the parameter "error_reason" in the aforementioned note.

I tried to confirm how many apps made by other developers, and some showed "don't allow" option while another was showing "an application to leave".

My question is how can I determine if the second option on the permissions page to be "don't allow" or "leave application"

Last edited by fox _ (2010-01-27 04: 51: 05)

Alex. coutAdministratorlog: 2010-01-18 Posts: 311

Hi fox _,

You have to distinguish different flows, two, one is a server-side (approve) and the other is a client-side (entrance).

You can pass some parameters "login." which php "next" for the url to redirect the user when the application is allowed, "" when the user is not cancel_url lets the application.
If you leave the "blank" cancel_url permissions dialog box, leave the application displays a "like" Facebook does not know where the user should be redirected.


CabbarNew Memberregistered: 2011-02-22 20: Posts

Like fox _ rromanchuk2, I'm confused by this. First of all, the documentation says, we should be using:

No login. php. "/Oauth" dialog, use the IfaceAddr cancel_url on, and no matter what I tried, it always displays "application to leave" not "disable". However, the documentation says that "disable"???

Someone please explain this? This is such a basic feature that should work properly?

PortmanMemberNote: 2007-10-16 19: Posts

Also had this problem, but I think you already figured it.

First of all, there is currently no difference between using the following URLs for requesting permissions:

Https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/author … ct_uri = {2}
Http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/?c … ct_uri = {2}

They both redirect to the same resource (-http://www.facebook.com/connect/uiserver.php)

However, there is a big difference, depending on what input for redirect_uri.

Then if redirect_uri on the same domain as your application's configuration, you will see the "disable".

If redirect_uri is not in the same domain — for example, if you use the URL of your canvas (apps.facebook.com)-then you'll see a button "quit application".

So, the bottom line is:
(1) If you want users to see the button "leave", use your URI apps.facebook.com for redirection
(2) If you want users to see the "disable", used in your domain, then redirects apps.facebook.com

Hope this helps.

CabbarNew Memberregistered: 2011-02-22 20: Posts

Wow, that would be excellent. It worked!

It is a pity that the full Board is not to mention it anywhere documentation though.


Geili001New Memberregistered: 2011-08-16: 28 PostsWeb site

Wow, that would be excellent. It worked!

DevprogrammerNew Memberregistered: 2011-08-01 Posts: 27

Same problem as everyone, how can be the reason?

Shahjashua0New Memberregistered: 2011-08-06 Posts: 5

Like fox _ rromanchuk2, I'm confused by this. First of all, the documentation says, we should be using:


No login. php. "/Oauth" dialog, use the IfaceAddr cancel_url on, and no matter what I tried, it always displays "application to leave" not "disable". However, the documentation says that "disable"???

1pages:home » authentication » [ANS] leave application disable the buttons in step authorization